Keto vs. Paleo: What’s the Difference?

The Keto and Paleo diets are two of the most popular ways to eat to improve health and manage weight. While both diets involve reducing your intake of certain foods, there are still quite a few differences between the two.

Here is a look at the pros and cons of following a keto and paleo lifestyle to help you find the right healthy eating plan for you.

What’s the Difference Between Keto and Paleo?



The keto diet involves putting your body into the state of ketosis, which is a metabolic state where your body breaks down fat for energy instead of carbs. On a keto diet, you’ll be focusing on eating good fats, protein and some good carbs. The paleo diet focuses on foods that were eaten around 10,000 years ago, during the Palaeolithic era, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as the ‘caveman diet’. This means all dairy products are off limits, as well as any processed foods.

What Can You Eat On a Keto Diet?

On a keto diet, the average person should consume:

  • 70-80% fats
  • 20-25% protein
  • 5-10% carbohydrates

However, you need to be careful of where you’re getting your 5-10% carbs from. Some foods, such as grains and legumes should be avoided so, instead, try to get your carb intake from foods such as leafy greens or berries.

Keto-friendly foods include:
  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Sausages
  • Avocados
  • Cheese
  • Seafood
  • Coconut oil
  • Plain Greek yoghurt
  • 70% dark chocolate
  • Low-carb vegetables, such as kale, sprouts and asparagus

On a keto diet, you should avoid starchy foods, such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes, as well as sugary foods, including many fruits and fruit juices.

By restricting your carb intake, your body will enter the state of ketosis and begin burning stored fats rather than carbs.

Keto Diet: Pros and Cons

Before embarking on any big lifestyle change, it’s important to do your research and bear in mind the pros and cons.

 Keto Pros

Keto Cons

  • Weight management – reducing your calorie intake and entering ketosis can help to support weight loss

  • Fats allowed – you can still eat some high-fat foods, which could make the diet seem less daunting

  • Calculations – there can be quite a bit of calculating and tracking involved to make sure you’re getting the right percentage of the different nutrients you need

  • Unsustainable? – the keto diet can be quite restrictive, so it might be a better short-term option than a long-term lifestyle choice

What Can You Eat on a Paleo Diet?

On a paleo diet, you should be eating:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Raw honey
  • Coconut oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Olive oil

Foods to avoid on a paleo diet include processed foods, refined sugars, dairy products and starchy foods.

Paleo Diet: Pros and Cons

Paleo Pros

Paleo Cons

  • High in protein – the focus on consuming lean protein on a paleo diet can help to provide vital support to your muscles

  • 100% unprocessed – swapping processed foods for whole foods can have multiple health benefits over the long term.

  • Lack of calcium – cutting out dairy can make it harder to get your recommended calcium intake, but there are other sources, such as some leafy green vegetables

  • Prehistoric? – humans have evolved considerably since the Palaeolithic period, and with so many modern foodstuffs available, this can mean you’re missing out on some newer foods that are still healthy

    Keto & Paleo Supplements

    It can be tough, on both diets, to have the time and energy to add all the fats and proteins you need in your day. Here are some great additions you can make to your eating plan that are easy, clean and both Certified Keto and Paleo!

    Dr. Formulated Organic MCT Powder  
    Grass Fed Collagen Beauty